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Yoga and Pregnancy

Motherhood is not a temporary condition like pregnancy; it is a lifelong and permanent transition.  Good health is key during this time. Yoga could play its part.

yoga and pregnancy

Most of us have images of pregnant woman with silky hair, clear and glowing skin, folding fluffy pastel blankets in a nursery fit for a future king or queen, whilst an adoring partner gently caresses that now ripe and swollen stomach..

This is indeed in many instances the case whilst in others it may not be the true picture.

Some woman sail through pregnancy whilst others may have more difficulty in contending with some worries along the way i.e., mood swings, weight gain, concerns over the babies health or the very ability to be a mother, the list goes on and on.

A woman at this point in her life faces the enormous reality that she is at the beginning of a new path on her lifelong journey and joining her on the path is a son or daughter as yet unknown.

yoga and pregnancy

This is where we believe yoga could assist you, during one of the most transformational times of your life.  This is the one time where beyond a doubt; you will need to keep ‘body, mind and spirit’ together.

Practicing yoga encourages breath and body awareness, makes connective tissue more resilient and elastic, both factors being a huge bonus during pregnancy and preparing for birth.

The spiritual aspect will keep you both cantered and grounded, a safe space for you to retreat to for some quite or ‘alone’ time, as and when needed.

A calm you will equal a calm baby!

 1st Trimester – Yoga Health

The ideal yoga class would be a pre-natal one.

A fantastic place to meet other expectant women, share tips and information, have a laugh, and hopefully in the process make a lifelong friend or two.

Here you would also have the assurance that the instructor is fully qualified and well versed in safe techniques and poses with the safety of the pregnant woman and baby, being foremost on their minds.

If you cannot find such a class, make 100 percent sure that your instructor is aware of your condition, this is an absolute must.

You owe it to yourself and to the new life which you are carrying, to behave in a mature and responsible fashion in regards to your approach to exercise at this time.

For instance a definite ‘no’ would be Bikram or ‘hot’ yoga as it is also called. This form of yoga is performed in an overheated room- which could effectively and seriously endanger the well being of the growing foetus.

Trust your body; there should be no pain or discomfort in anyway.

Poses and techniques can always be adjusted by a skilled and knowledgeable instructor.

If in any doubt, stop and speak out and speak up – so that you may be given all the help and guidance that you need.


2nd Trimester – Yoga Health

Hopefully, you have found a handrail on the emotional rollercoaster, morning sickness is a thing of the past and you are starting to eye those ever so pretty maternity clothes in your local boutique – some much need energy should also be making itself known at this stage.

The 2nd trimester is usually the easiest and most relaxed part of the entire pregnancy – I can hear the sigh of relief!

Things are shaping up literally and figuratively (no pun intended), and along with your growing belly, things are shifting, especially your sense of balance and increasing strain on the lower back area. Take note of this and adjust your routine accordingly.

There are various props and cushions available – speak to your instructor about using them where possible and necessary.

Importantly at this stage, no more laying flat on your back or your stomach, two things, easy to remember.

This might also be a good time whilst you have more energy and vigour to cultivate and practice the Warrior Pose 2, as it will build much needed strength and stamina for what lies ahead in the third trimester.

Enjoy this time, keep fit and keep sociable, listen to your inner voice using it as a guide.

A lovely and apt affirmation at this time would be:

“All that I do, I do it with you”

3rd Trimester – Yoga Health

Whilst one is becoming more beautifully rounded and either excitement or nervousness sets in, depending on your disposition, it is a welcome thought to know that various studies support the evidence that regular practice of yoga in the last trimester greatly improves maternal comfort during labour.

Those hours at the studio will have been well spent.

Breath awareness is crucial in minimising pain during labour and having become suppler you will be able to relax muscles more easily.

Your body is a miracle when you digest the fact that your uterus is 500 times its normal size at this point and is carrying, nurturing and providing literal life support to the baby.

You can rightly be proud of yourself for doing your bit in the form of eating correctly and keeping as fit, healthy and supple as possible during this time.

The culmination thereof being a healthy happy mother and baby.

This is the time to slow down a little and perhaps decrease the intensity of exercise or combine it with relaxing walks with a loved one. The title of the movie “Eat, love and pray”, springs to mind….. Indulge yourself a little, it really is allowed!

Many woman will also feel a strong desire to ‘nest’ at this time, a natural instinct to create a beautiful, warm and loving environment for the long awaited new arrival – and remember :-

“Mother love will always defy all logic”

Be safe, be well, and be blessed,

A whole new world is about to open its doors to you.



This article provides information of a general nature. Any concerns about your health or that of your baby should be discussed with your healthcare team


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