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About Us

A union with self – an escape from daily constraints
Welcome, since you are reading this, I welcome that you are alive and breathing. That is all which is required to practice yoga. While there are a myriad of different forms – one will be the perfect fit for you.
What is yoga?

One of the best descriptions which I have read was voiced by ‘Patanjali’ a master and sage of note, in yogi realms:
“Yogashcitlavrittinrodah” – Yoga stills the fluctuations of the mind or that which is commonly termed today as “monkey chatter”
“Tada drash thuh svarupe vasthanam” – Then the true self appears
Since we live in a somewhat superficial, superfast and self-absorbed world don’t confuse yoga with egotistical self-absorption, it isn’t, yoga is all about flow, being in the present and taking part in life, being strong of body, mind and spirit, a fully functioning and well adjusted human being.
Postures, breathing and meditation certainly play a leading role in the practice of yoga; they are however intertwined with the some of the higher values of humanity, those being love, compassion, empathy and kindness; both to self and the greater world.
Remember: As a yogi can manifest freedom in his body, he can manifest it elsewhere also – Shiva Sutra

This website is seen as gift to you and others.
We want you to be healthy and to succeed at life.
On this planet at the current time, an inspiring trend is emerging to take control of one’s own destiny and at the same time to give back to the community in whichever way you are able to do so.
“How free are you , in comparison to how free you want to be?”
For our part 10% of all profits from this website will be channelled into charity work, for the children of Africa and to aid in cancer research.
Helping you, to in turn help them.
Wishing you health and ‘enough’ always.